Weekly Devotional
February 20, 2025
The Morning After Devotional:
Romans 8:1
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
I am a huge boxing fan. However, as much as I love the sport I do believe certain fights are fixed (pre-determined), that the outcome is in a particular fighter’s favor. According to the text life is the same, the fight is fixed. He says its fixed if you have the (right deliverer), “in Christ”. This is not based on predestination as is the belief of some, but on preparation as ordained by the scriptures. Secondly, he says it is fixed if you make the (right decisions), “walk not after flesh”. Being in Christ is more than a proclamation of loyalty, it is a pattern of life. Lastly, the writer says it is fixed if you follow (redemption directives), “after the spirit”. How we walk as believers is a life long decision making process. Therefore beloved, be not dismayed but rather be determined knowing that your struggles are subject to the Savior. Until the next time, stay on the ship knowing your captain cares.
The Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to walk after the Spirit, and not the flesh. In the name of Jesus the Christ. Amen.
G. L. Sanders
Senior Pastor, Mercy Seat M. B. Church